Frequently asked questions
We're here to help you navigate Beecele. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to fully leverage the platform.
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General Information
What is Beecele?
How can Beecele help businesses grow?
Is Beecele available in my area?
How is Beecele unique as a food service platform?
Where can I go if I have more questions?
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Why should I offer subscriptions?
What is the Beecele service radius?
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What products does Beecele offer for merchants?
Does Beecele integrate with my POS system?
How do I change my menu items, subscriptions and prices on Beecele?
Can I offer alcohol on my Beecele menu?
Can I stop orders if it gets too busy?
Can I set specific hours to take orders for specific days?
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What is a commission?
Does Beecele charge per order?
How does the Beecele pricing model work?
What do commissions and fees cover?
Does Beecele charge any other fees?
Does Beecele charge payment processing fees to merchants?
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Get Started Today
How can I sign up for Beecele?
How do I sign up for Beecele with multiple locations?
How do I receive orders from Beecele?
How quickly will I get paid?